Running is not something that everyone enjoys. For those that do, timing and distance are two major goals. When Dan Bilzerian, a popular gambler in Florida, offered up a $30,000 prize for any one who can run a mile at or under 5 minutes, it drew a crowd. Those wanting to try had to jump on the treadmill and hope not only beat the speed, but last the whole mile.

For those who are not avid runners, a 5 minute mile is one minute faster than the time requirements for the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test. It is not something that is usually accomplished by runners outside of the elite field. Running at this speed would equate to running a 10k (6.1 miles) in about 30 minutes. It would take a super strong and dedicated runner to win that $30,000 prize. Despite the time being a fantasy goal for many people, it did not stop people from wanting to try.

One person driven in by the prize was a woman named Kinsey, who showed up in a bikini with her male friend who was searching for her running shoes. Kinsey’s nerves were visible and her friend attempted to motivate her by saying “Don’t even worry, don’t even try, just (f-word)run!”. That encouragement worked and Kinsey jumped on the treadmill, which was already set at a fast speed. Unfortunately, despite the cheering from the crowd and her friend, Kinsey only lasted about a minute.

Running at that high speed for that long was too much for her legs and she was not able to continue. Kinsey’s male friend decided to step up and ask Bilzerian about the alternative reward if he completed the challenge. After waiting for his turn, Kinsey’s friend jumped on the treadmill and ran as fast as he could. He started off strong, however he noticed that the treadmill began to stop, signaling he did not make the time cutoff. Not wanting to give up, he went for it again.

It is not known if Kinsey’s friend won the challenge however his perseverance is a win in itself. This type of challenge can make a person feel defeated right away. With such a large prize, many might think the challenge impossible. Brushing off defeat and trying again shows us that a difficult task can possibly be accomplished with dedication. Race records are broken every year and people break their personal records all the time. What was once seen as an impossible time is now the standard for many elite runners. Kinsey’s friend is a great example of self-motivation and dedication. He knew making the time would be extremely difficult but he tried more than once. The world can use more of Kinsey’s friend and his motivation.