The current society faces many challenges, from drug abuse to gang violence and civil rights for minorities. However, do you know that these issues are not the common denominator that shapes who we are? It will surprise you to know that the greatest issue is an in-ward factor-how we view ourselves. Many people ignore self-esteem forgetting that it shapes our every attribute.

Many people equate the problems they face in life to colleagues, friends, partners-in-love, or relatives. However, they forget that the real triggers are within themselves. To manage this, you need to control the image of yourself. By so doing, you will achieve most of your dreams.

To understand this better, we will look to the life of an Instagram influencer known as Isabella Buscemi. She is a 22 aged young woman who lives in Florida. She knew that she had to make some changes to her life to excel and reach higher business opportunities. Like most of us, she was unsatisfied with some aspects of her appearance during her student days. However, unlike some of us, she decided to make a change instead of dwelling on her insecurities. As we are going to see, she spent over eight thousand dollars on augmentations and posting online, which made her a living.

While there are parts of her body which she was not satisfied with, she decided to concentrate on parts of her body which she liked. She stated workouts but realized that there are certain parts of the body that fitness could not change. To gain confidence, she decided to invest in her outward appearance. Thus, she undertook three operations, including breast and nose augmentations, and veneers. She said that she disliked her nose since it had a large bump and that her teeth and breasts were small, so she had them augmented.

She says that she didn’t alter anything else in her body since everything else is naturally acquired. She enjoys all other parts of her body and credits her fiancรฉ, Henry Castaneda, for positive influence. It is her fiancรฉ who was encouraging her to continue hitting the gym and staying disciplined. This gave her self-confidence, which she says is the greatest gift she has ever got. As a result of self-esteem, she has gained business opportunities such as trips and product promotion. She today has a strong mental and emotional strength, which she credits to the positive self-image that she has. Without it, you can’t be confident, and your esteem will be low.

So, are you still asking yourself why you are not achieving your dreams? Yes, inward confidence is good as it helps us to live towards our goals. In case you don’t have inborn confidence, you need to work towards your self-esteem as it will enable you to live your dream happily. Just like Isabella, if you need to make certain adjustments in your body to gain confidence, just do it.

Nothing should hold you back. You can even go back to school to advance education, improve your daily workouts, eat healthier foods, or take a cosmetic surgery. I mean, get to realize what holds you back, and once you point it out, deal with it. Self-confidence is like followers, which grows in the garden; it needs to be planted and watered. Then, you will become a beautiful human being, and you will achieve most of your dreams.