Sumner Stroh was born 21 years ago. She first entered the world on the 15th of August 1999. Today, she is a student. As a student, she spends time on social media and with her friends. Each passing day, her fame online continues to grow. Last January, she added nearly 20,000 followers to her audience. Typically, she reps various fashion lines. One of her largest sponsorships is from a boutique in Los Angeles, called Boutine. Boutine produces a variety of swimwear, including bathing suits and bikinis. Since 2015, Sumner has also been working on her Youtube channel. Most recently, she had made a total of six videos. Together, her videos have over 10,000 views. Better yet, if you like her sense of fashion. She creates tutorials for her fans. They are posted on her social media page. Meaning, you can follow in her footsteps. The ideas are a great way to revamp your sense of style.

Along with her sister, Sumner has launched a jewelry company. It is called Strung by Stroh. They have been making unique accessories since they first launched in 2016. On her social media pages, it is easy to see her love for jewelry design. If you enjoy the aesthetic, they are all available to the public. Suppose you wanted to create your own style. Combine several pieces from her lineup. Each is made to compliment the rest of the lineup. That way, you can use her ideas as a source of inspiration. There is no pressure for you to be a copycat. Sumner hopes that people will take her designs and make them their own. Sumner has also spent a lot of time taking care of herself. She hopes that people see this for what it is, self-care.

Modeling is one of the most stressful lines of work in the world. Due to excessive demands, burnout is common. To prevent this, Sumner exercises vigorously every day. She uses a mixture of strength conditioning and cardio activity. This is not the only thing she does for self-maintenance. In addition, Sumner Stroh has a very intense devotion to mental health. Life is not easy all the time. Thus, she learned the importance of healthy coping mechanisms. As part of her strategy, she travels worldwide. Seeing new sights gives her a mood lift. Sumner believes traveling is something everyone should get a chance to experience. Ever since she was a student, Sumner has been passionate about diverse experiences.

If you are interested in seeing her in action, she regularly posts to her Instagram page. There you will see her latest advertisements. Most of them are for her brand. However, she occasionally makes a post for other brands. When asked about the keys to success, summer had some poignant advice. Life is full of obstacles. Successful people are rarely the ones who did not encounter any resistance. On the contrary, success comes to those willing to find it. She has encountered many barriers herself. She had to overcome them on her path to becoming a major social media influencer. Nevertheless, she continued to hone her craft. Consequently, she has become one of the fastest-growing influencers in recent years. She believes there is nothing special about what she has done. All she did was follow her heart. Others should do the same.