Jade Grobler is a successful model who worked her way from South Africa to LA, gaining one million Instagram followers along the journey. How did this young woman gain so much success so rapidly? It all started in Australia where she had spent many of her teenage years. Jade was born in South Africa which didn’t have many opportunities for the type of work that she wanted to do. This led her to move to Queensland to start working on her modeling portfolio. She began modeling and taking pictures to gain experience in her trade, and at the same time quickly gained a good reputation with the agencies around her. One day, she posted a picture of her cat on Instagram that gained an extraordinary amount of online attention. This one post was one of the major events that gave her an opportunity to go down a new path in her life, one that would take place in Los Angeles, California.

Jade quickly became familiar with the scenery of the west coast of the United States and began working in the modeling industry there. She quickly was noticed by many different agencies but ended up pairing up with a company called Boutine. This is a California based business that sells bikinis and focuses its brand on the lifestyle of living near the beautiful ocean. The company featured her many times on their online platforms, helping her to gain followers on her own Instagram and build a status for her in the new area she was in. This company helped her to build her modeling portfolio and made her an established professional model in the United States. To this day, her Instagram account has slowly grown to over one million followers, an impressive accomplishment for a model to achieve at such a young age.

Jade is not just beautiful but is also smart in the tactics that she uses to maintain her career and social media following. Jade maintains her career in one way by focusing on her physique and working out a lot. Training frequently helps her body maintain an hourglass figure which is a big advantage in the world of modeling. She also focuses on posting pictures of her cat who was a big factor in her overall success online.

Jade has a separate account for her feline friend, which also has gained a large following. Jade also uses the tactic of engagement to continue her social media success. She often holds sessions for her fans to ask her questions about her life and interact with her on a personal level. This helps her fan base remains local and interested in what she posts online. She also posts on YouTube, where she draws in many people who want to know what she is doing. All of these sources of traffic help support her overall career of being a successful influencer. As she continues her success as a model she continues to open doors for modeling gigs around the world and opportunities that only someone with a huge drive to succeed can accomplish.