Born and raised in California, the parents of Nadia Mejia always knew that she would grow up to be a star. She is the daughter of Kathy Mejia, a former pageant beauty queen and rapper Gerardo Mejia. They started taking her to pageants at a young age and it is through these that the star got her light and started shining. She has used these opportunities plus the determination she had to build herself as the brand she is right now.

As a young girl, Nadia took part in many pageants all over the country. In 2016, she was crowned as Miss California and went ahead to emerge among the top 5 finalists in Miss USA. This stellar performance opened doors for her and the demand for her appearances increased. She has since been building her image through various means including product branding and social media. Nadia is a perfect example of how competition can bring good. Through her good performance in pageants, she was able to launch a great modeling career. It was through this that she got noticed and brands started approaching her.

Nadia Mejia is a major name on Instagram. She has over 300, 000 followers. She is very active and shares images on various subjects. You will find a photo of her doing something she loves, her family, boyfriend or pets. Instead of sharing about her work, Mejia is like most other Instagram users; using the platform to showcase her life. She is really simple and this makes it easy for her fans to identify with her. She is a very friendly person and will often respond to comments and private messages from fans. She also has weekly video spots where she interacts with her followers. With all the limelight, Nadia tries to show her normal life on social media. She does not show off her limelight but tries to shed it off instead. She is one person who values long friendships and family. On her posts, you will find valuable advice for her fans and friends. She values self-worth and encourages her followers to always stay true to themselves.

Nadia’s instagram account is all about fun and interaction but behind it, all this young lady works hard. She is working with many companies and keeps signing new deals every now and then. Currently, she is working with Too Faced Cosmetics and Skechers. She works with established companies but she is also willing to support companies that are just getting their feet on the ground. Other than modeling, Nadia also has a great love for singing. In school she took part in advanced choir and cheerleading. Nadia has some personal records she made earlier and right now, she records whenever time allows her. She always dreamt of performing on the big stages. She loves music but modeling is her full-time career. She is a success on both pageants and social media thanks to her determination and easy-going personality.