Recently, Amanda Lee, an Instagram wellness model, talked about how she began with no single follower but then drew ten million followers. She had never modeled before since she was a private trainer.

This made her journey quite tricky since she was only known in Los Angeles, where she worked as a trainer. Lee used her Instagram page to display her fitness command comprising thrust iron while sometimes making the booty exercises arrangements to improve her backside.

How she started it

When asked how she began, Amanda Lee said that it all started while assisting Michael Game with her training. This was a hip hop star with a following of around 80,000. During training, Michelle took a selfie together with Lee and tagged her on it. That picture swiftly exploded, and Lee started to receive calls from several people requesting her to assist them with their exercises and many more. At this point, Lee decided to change her page to be additionally elite on exercises, and this is where her followers started increasing.

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matcha gracias 🍵 @fashionnova fashionnovapartner

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When it comes to taking a presentable photo, then Lee has got her own fashion. She works very hard to ensure what she’s putting on, the room illumination, and the background all matches her desire. She considers this an attempt to make her character appear as big as possible, depending on the shooting angles. Where workout routines are concerned, Amanda Lee concentrates more on her legs many times in a week. This helps her get the desired muscles on the legs.

To build up her thighs, Lee uses a lot of strength, and apart from this, she also practices steps, squats, Romanian deadlifts, leg presses, and walking lunges. All these plus any other thing that can enable her to build her lower part of the body. However, walking lunges remains her favorite workout. This is because she can feel its effects just the next day, making her aware that the exercise is useful. She hates squats mostly since she considers them less attractive. Amanda Lee sometimes has to force herself to do them.

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penne e vino 🍝 top from @fashionnova

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Amanda’s take on dieting and her future goals

Another thing Lee concentrates on is the resistance bands. She finds them very important when she can’t access a gym. She dislikes dieting and has never tried it out. But instead, she concentrates on ensuring that she takes adequate proteins and eats many times in a day than the rest, eating like five times in a single day. Amanda avoids taking any white things like white bread or white sugar. She also makes sure she takes plenty of drinking water during the day. To help her build her muscles, Amanda ensures that she takes plenty of protein shakes to aid the process. She is also destined to fulfill some new adventures like developing muscles because her body type is physically tender and curvier. Therefore, this implies that for her to build muscles, she has to ensure that she works out extra harder to accomplish this. Amanda Lee is committed to keeping fit while using her Instagram page to teach her fitness basics. Many followers have been streaming into her page to acquire her services, making her Instagram followers rise tremendously. Through this, Amanda has grown from a private fitness trainer to a model with a considerable following.