Up and coming rising star, Alicia Parr is turning some heads on social media. Focusing on three main health and fitness attributes, she has been able to climb the ranks on various social media sites to reach modeling fame and success. These three concepts are regular physical fitness routines, a regiment of supplements and advertising of her attractive body physique. As most aspiring models know, it can be particularly difficult to make it in the modeling industry.
Spreading awareness to the world about products and services can also be difficult for some. This Australian has been able to break through those obstacles and make her story go viral through different social media avenues. Her career revolves around fitness and maintaining healthy habits. She has partnered with nutritional supplement companies and fitness-health magazines. Using her toned complexion and fit body, she is easily able to market her partner companies’ products to customers on her various social media accounts. While advertising these products she also helps these companies to improve their branding and grow their audience to gain more customers. Having good business practices and knowledge just adds to her growing portfolio and to her success!
This Aussie star has been physically active since she was in school. Participating in a wide variety of sports has driven her to value keeping a healthy and fit lifestyle. Now, in addition to modeling, she offers online sessions and showings worldwide. On Instagram, she has over 400,000 followers comprised of fitness fanatics, aspiring models, and other fans of her intellectual abilities. She takes time to post content on her blog, and offer useful tips in video posts, as well as answering questionnaires. Her presence growing more and more on theCHIVE, tumblr and reddit as well. Dedicating herself to healthy habits and being physically fit has helped her to continuously spread her name and message throughout the world. Parr’s prowess can be attributed to her beauty, determination to physical fitness and her knowledge of marketing products on social media. Like Jillian Michaels and Richard Simmons, Alicia Parr is definitely on her way to becoming a household name in the health and fitness markets.
Many of her posts can almost be considered more of a traveling blog because they show attractive imagery that might only be seen in professional works. This artistic viewpoint appeals to her many followers. They are able to see the many places she has traveled to on vacations and other ventures. Consistently remaining connected to her followers, she values and responds to fan inquiries as this is a way of giving back to all those that helped her early on in her career. Instead of giving almost automated responses to comments and questions, Alicia does take the time to give thoughtful responses to these inquiries. Then her fans can make use of her advice in their own lives. She really strives to be an inspiration to others either following in the fitness and healthy living industry, or those who want to better themselves. Truly caring about her followers through persistence and perseverance has helped her to achieve success. This beauty’s career has only just begun with these fitness and supplement company partnerships. There’s no limit to her future accomplishments since fans can continue to follow her progression and success on Instagram and other social media sites!
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